Slawka G. Scarso

Short stories, poems and the odd travel note // Racconti, poesie, e qualche appunto di viaggio

Richter Scale 8

microracconti, Racconti pubblicati

Richter Scale 8

Sono emozionatissima: il mio microracconto in 100 parole intitolato Richter Scale 8 ha ricevuto la menzione d’onore al National Flash Fiction Day Microfiction Competition del 2022. Sono davvero onorata. Potete leggere le altre fantastiche storie finaliste e le vincitrici a questo link. Qui sotto la mia.

Half an hour before the earthquake hits, they have lunch, they play in the garden, they water the plants, they walk the dog, they go to sleep, they watch TV and complain there’s nothing there to watch, they gossip, they fight, they don’t call their loved ones, they don’t say I miss you, they don’t say I’m sorry, because even if the dog starts to bark, even if the cat behaves funny and the ants climb out of their tunnels, there is no real way of telling when you only have thirty minutes left. Twenty-nine now.

Foto di Shefali Lincoln su Unsplash.

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